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Player: 36909 Guild: ASGARDS Title/Rank: the yoyo Level: 179.69 (Rank 47) Economy: 10,695 Account: Free Account Age: 6,354 Days | She saw a hall standing, far from the sun, in Náströnd; its doors are northward turned, venom-drops fall in through its apertures: entwined is that hall with serpent’s backs. She there saw wading the sluggish streams bloodthirsty men and perjurers, and him who the ear beguiles of another’s wife. There Nidhögg sucks the corpses of the dead; the wolf tears men. Understand ye yet, or what? From below the dragon dark comes forth, Nithhogg flying from Nithafjoll; The bodies of men on his wings he bears, The serpent bright: but now must I sink. | |
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